Few Tech Mistakes Your Startup Should Avoid – Startupkindle
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Few Tech Mistakes Your Startup Should Avoid

When people discuss a start-up business about to get closed, they mostly mean that it does not have a correct business plan or is not sure whether products and services it is offering to the market have too many audiences. However, most of the struggling start-ups do not suffer from big problems. Instead, they are handling small tech-related niggles that, with time, can become something more serious. Here is a list of mistakes to avoid while setting up a Startup.

While small things might not be important, they can have a negative impact on the business. Luckily, most of these problems cost little to fix. The cost will be so little that ROI could be in hundreds of percent. So, no need to get started immediately.

Top mistakes to avoid while setting up a Startup

A slow-loading site

A florist or solicitor might not have to worry about this kind of thing. However, a start-up in the e-commerce industry must be sure that they offer an excellent user experience. If your website takes time to load, then your visitors may click away and visit Yahoo or Google to check out their competitors.  If your website is slow to load, there are chances that you have a few non-standard code and functionality on your website that can be removed easily. Overusing video is a common mistake that even the biggest companies make. Some companies make use of a system like HotScore to test whether their websites are performant or not. If you have found that the site’s loading speed is the issue, then this might be helpful.

Look and feel-related problems

Colour schemes are not the only important consideration while developing a website. Too flashy things must be replaced with a neutral color. There is a reason why monochrome design has been growing popular for so many years. When things are strange, users might be turned off. As they could come to the conclusion that you have not put much effort into your website. If you are using WordPress, there are millions of outstanding themes. So, there is no need to compromise with a mediocre look.

Overspending for the software

One of the common mistakes small business owners make is paying too much for technology solutions and software. Often, start-ups pay too much money for a single package, about 5$ more than they should have paid for another. In the end, they are paying much more than they require. Fortunately, there are free solutions for nearly every issue out there. It must not be hard to find totally free or low-cost options, regardless of what type of software you require.

Ignoring your social profiles

Most of the customers use social media channels. And if you want to reach them, you should also be present there. Fill your Google My Business profile and make a proper social media presence for yourself. It does not cost anything apart from your time and effort to settle things. If you are into retail, ensure that you sign up for Instagram. As nowadays a huge number of customers check these before they make a purchase.

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